Buck Moon Circle - 3rd July 7pm

£15.00 - £500.00

Mind, Body and Soul: Shedding and Growth

Topics and activities for meet-up:
✨Group introduction
✨What is a Bucks Moon 
✨How it aligns with your star sign 
✨Reflection: TBC
✨ Location: TBC

The Buck Moon is all about shedding and regrowth. We are going to discuss shedding old versions of yourself that no longer serve you, and in doing so will make way for growth. “Transformation isn’t easy, but easy doesn’t change you.”

The vibe is always super supportive and peaceful, which means everyone can truly unleash their inner desires. It’s a safe space to be heard, to breathe out, to be seen, to laugh, and to cry!

In this month's circle, we will be surrounded by amazing nature, grounding ourselves with the earth and opening up our heart and third eye chakras.

And you better believe we end the night with some killer group and individual photos! I mean, why not? We're all feeling our best, so let's capture that energy and put it out there for the universe to see. Plus, if you pre-pay for your images, you get a sweet discount - now that's what we call manifesting abundance!

These gatherings happen all over Leicestershire and its outskirts
